
In The News

Three women champion common sense homelessness policies

Who is bringing common sense solutions to the region’s homelessness debate? Who is refuting the seemingly ridiculous claim that addiction and mental health issues are not major factors in King County’s worsening homelessness crisis? The answer is three women who have each become authoritative voices in the homelessness discussions....

New KCRHA CEO refuses to be accountable to taxpayers

As readers will recall, King County Executive Dow Constantine admitted in a recent ChangeWa interview that he couldn’t provide even a rough estimate as to how much taxpayer money he had spent on the homeless issues. He also refused to provide even one public goal for the much-maligned King...

How involuntary treatment can reduce homelessness

There is increasing discussion among community leaders for expanding the use of involuntary treatment for individuals with severe substance abuse issues. This strategy would largely benefit those currently living on the streets and classified as “chronically homeless.” However, to effectively assist these individuals, there must be a significant change...

Why do some legislators want encampments to return?

In the decade since homelessness was declared an emergency, almost every progressive measure has led to an increase in homelessness and more suffering on the streets. Going back to the beginning of the millennium, unchecked extreme measures have made the problem worse as these “fixes” fail to address the...

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