
In The News

Historic Tax Hike Threatens to Push Jobs Out Of Seattle

As the local economy continues to reel from the global health pandemic, Seattle’s business community is facing a host of new challenges courtesy of a massive business tax adopted by the City Council. The new tax would affect more than 700 local businesses and many of those business owners...

“Open Air Drug Market” Cited As Source Of Violence In Townhall

In a recent KOMO News special “town hall” hosted by KOMO journalist Eric Johnson, police, business leaders, and residents highlighted the many challenges and forces behind downtown Seattle’s seeming surge in violence in the last several months. One overriding factor that business leaders pointed to was what they described...

Pierce County Has Innovative Solution To Crack Down On Repeat Criminal Offenders

Pierce County law enforcement authorities have taken an innovative approach to handling repeat criminal offenders. These “high priority offenders” are only a portion of criminals, but account for a large percentage of the overall crime in Pierce County. As KOMO reports, Pierce County police have mined data in reports...

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