
In The News

Seattle Shuts Down Ballard Spray Park Citing Concerns About Tent Encampments

The Seattle Parks and Recreation Department will not open the spray park at Ballard Commons Park this summer according to the Seattle Times and the My Ballard blog. The reason? Health and safety concerns related to tent encampments there. “Because of health and safety concerns of Seattle/King County Public...

Seattle Can Do Better

Homelessness has been a declared emergency in Seattle since 2015.  Almost six years!  Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to solve the crisis, but the problem is only getting worse. Almost every day, there is another story about encampments on playgrounds and school property and each story...

The question is “Why?”

After five years of declaring a state of emergency on homelessness in Seattle and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, the problem is only getting worse. Almost every day, there is another story about encampments on playfields and school grounds and each story has a similar ending – Seattle...

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