
In The News

Politicians need to stop coddling rapists and murderers

In January a 30-year-old Marysville man was charged with first degree murder for killing his 65-year-old roommate and attempting to set the residence on fire. A proposed bill moving through the state legislature would allow him, if convicted, to be released early – even if his sentence is for...

It’s time to rein in the governor’s emergency powers

In 2020, 2,369 restaurants and bars in Washington state closed their doors permanently. That’s 2,369 places where people earned a living, where locals met up with friends and family, and where a business owner poured the sweat of their life in the hopes of making it in a tough...

Unchecked petty crime will destroy Seattle communities

Three years ago, Bartell Drugs announced it was closing one of its downtown Seattle stores due to rampant thefts. Anyone who has visited, lives in or has even heard of Seattle knows it’s not the only place. From the Safeway in South Seattle to Uwajimaya’s Chinatown-International District location, businesses...

Why Seattle’s police staff crisis is worse than you think

Seattle’s police staffing crisis is worse than you probably think. It’s no secret that on top of public safety concerns the city of Seattle has a police staffing crisis. But what’s often unseen are the number of quality officers in the area who might have joined but didn’t because...

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