
In The News

Jim Ferrell answers Change Washington’s public safety questions

Earlier this month we emailed both King County Prosecutor Candidates, Jim Ferrell and Leesa Manion, inviting them to participate in a questionnaire about public safety and crime in the region. Below are the questions and responses from Jim Ferrell. Leesa Manion did not respond after several emails were sent....

Victory! County nixes plans for Chinatown homeless megaplex (for now)

When tasked with a long, difficult undertaking it’s important to celebrate the victories when they happen. King County’s decision to nix a planned homeless megaplex in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District (CID) represents an unexpected and important success for sound homelessness policy, public safety, and common-sense governance. As we’ve written on...

King County’s catch-and-release proposal for juvenile criminals

Although King County’s Restorative Pathways Community (RCP) program has a lot of problems that need to be fixed if it’s going to reduce crime – which isn’t even the program’s described goal or purpose – county officials have an even crazier idea in mind. Never jailing youth for committing...

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